I have been working on a new wall hanging that I think will be donated to Well spring for the quilt auction. I have done some tryouts of different
quilting patterns some which I knew and some which I took from the 365 days of quilting designs. I have shown a couple of close ups of the quilting as well as the finished wall hanging below. I still have to
put a backing and sleeve and label on it. It is nice to be slowly getting back to doing some of my work.
With all the things going on with the family, I haven't had much desire to do much until this last week or so.
Things are in a holding pattern with my son -- he is doing much better than expected time wise which
has been such a blessing. I am feeling much more relaxed as the first couple of months were
horrendous, but he is getting Cancer treatment, and pain meds which make his life so much better.
I hope you like my sunset. It won't be the final name -- I hope to donate it to Well spring for sale at their open house or the quilt auction in November. I hope to do a scene of one of the most popular mountains in this part of the Canadian Rockies - and I have other wall hangings I have made over the past year. We sold all the wall hangings I put up for sale last year. If you are interested in seeing
pictures of the ones for sale in November, let me know - If any of you are interested in a wall hanging
75% of the sale price will go to Carma House for Cancer Support.
They will also be selling the l07 postcards donated by my wonderful friends to be given to Carma House. I will be at the auction with a table showing the cards and wall hangings. I would love it if you comment on this piece. Such fun to do. Shirley