My two coyotes are now attached to my scene. I am not going to post the whole scene right now. (It looks better when it is quilted) but I want to show you how I added the coyotes to the bottom forest.
Coyotes blend into the forest and I think they do here. It would be good if people, when they look at the piece, find the coyotes which are not too noticeable as that is the way you see
them in real life.
I am enjoying doing this wall hanging
it is nice to get back to normal.
I am also busy preparing a new set of thread painting workshops for the Learningfa
group. I have a large number of students signed up and will be starting the classes
in the middle of February. It will be ongoing and I will also be posting information and examples on my blog.
We really have had a tough winter here in Calgary -- it is snowing again and the roads
are treacherous. It is nice that we are retired and don't HAVE to drive anywhere. I t
never used to bother me to drive in winter. We spent 9 years in Arizona and I got away from winter driving - I really prefer to avoid it at all costs - grin!
There is a wonderful class happening in learningfa right now. A One BLock Wonder quilt and the girls are having so much fun with it. I am looking forward to seeing the results.
It is one of the most fun quilts to do and each quilt is different - they are having so much fun.
Well, I had better finish putting the first narrow border on my wall hanging and cut the outer border. Then the fun part - the free motion quliting. I have 3 small wall hangings to finish binding, and a couple of round robins I want to quilt and finish.
I also want to double check my "Skating on the pond" which will be my next class on learning fa - see header picture. I have the class prepared but want to see if I need to add any more information. These 'chores' should keep me busy for at least a month or two.
Have a happy day! Shirley