knitting Paradise

I belong to a wonderful knitting and crochet group called

Knitting Paradise.

I hope you will drop by and check us out. Shirley

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Postcards delivered for Wellspring's Carma House

I visited Carma house yesterday and delivered another 55 cards which make it l05 cards which I
have received, for Wellspring to sell. My friends there thought they were wonderful, and they are
now considering exactly how they will market them. I believe 85% will be sold at the Quilt Auction for cancer in November. There will also be some for sale at Carma house.

They are thinking about $7.00 to l0.oo per card -- with the l0.00 cards being the fancier ones. This would mean they will receive $700. for Carma House at the minimum if all sell, (which we all felt they would). The girls there had never seen the cards before and were very intrigued.

Thanks again to all of you! Shirley


Janet Hartje said...

That's wonderful Shirley! Hope they all sell quickly.

Carol said...

Thats wonderful Glad they liked them all.

Hope you are having a better week.