I found some of my drawings that I did when I designed the table topper that is on the header. There are two or three different 'patterns' Please forgive me as these are
just rough drafts, but I think you might find them useful.
The first photo shows my drawing of the table topper - You
can make your blocks whatever size you wish.
Mine are approx. 6".
In all these cases I made the log cabins first and then used the size of the blocks to
make the center block.
I thread painted a candle on a pieceLARGER than the blocK would
be and then cut it to the size of the other blocks. Then I stitched the 3 rows side by
side with the motif I chose, satin stitched to the center block. You can either
use the timtex or a good stabilizer - cut it out, then satin stitch it to the white
block, making sure it is small enough so that when it is cut to size the motif fits
nicely in the block. I then sandwiched the whole table topper and quilted it -
following the straight lines in the log cabins and used a quilting pattern
(you can choose which one). It is important that the quilting over all the
table topper is even - you don't want some close quilting and some larger quilting.
I then found a pretty Christmas fabric, backed it (you can put a sleeve on in in
case whoever receives this gift might want to hang it - or neglect the sleeve and
use it just as a table topper. I then bound it in Christmas fabrics -- it is an easy gift.
You could also use other christmas blocks if you want. Voila! you have a table topper.

-I did this table topper exactly the same way using smaller blocks
I made three of these, One with a pointsettia and holly - the second
with a fairly tall pine cone pattern, the other with a candle on the
top and holly on the bottom square. Very pretty and much
appreciated gift - easy, fast and fun.

here are two different table runners - the third 'pattern'
uses quite a few motifs and another pattern for the pieced blocks - one I did with rows of Christmas fabric, - Any 4 or 5" block will do.
I then did small motifs - One I did with holly on all the open
blocks and the other I did with Pointsettials and little candles
placed in the white blocks.
You can vary the blocks in the first one with one of your
table runner patterns and incorporate two blocks which
show thread painting motifs - The possibilities are endless.
Forgive my poor drawings. I just found these old work sheets and they do give
you some ideas as to how to do the projects. I can't take a picture of any of the
finished table runners as they were given away as gifts and I can't find the pictures
of the finised projects.
You can also do coasters and hot plates using the motifs - I use heat resistant fabric
underneath the top layer, and then thin batting. I usually change my ironing board
top once a year and cut them up for these projects. You can cut the blocks
individually, or quilt a whole piece of the cover to fit the project - then quilt it.
Use your imagination! I hope you will send me pictures of your projects to
Have Fun everyone , Shirley