for my class which is coming up in January. I used a pretty autumn panel with grouse and added a ring necked pheasant which came with the panel. I then added some thread painted birches and shrubs in the bottom corner. This is a simple way to make a very nice wall hanging. Two completely different scenes using two different panels. They make great gifts.
We have had a huge snow storm here in
Calgary, actually I think it is all over the
place as I know the Western States have
received it too. It is so bitter cold and will
remain that way for another 4 or 5 days.
I hope the snow pile holds on until my
grand daughter can come up and play
in the pile which is right outside our
patio door. It is nearly as tall as I am.
The roads are slippery so we will stay in
until things improve. That is one nice thing
about being retired.
I just baked some cinnamon buns and the house smells so nice - they sure do hit the spot with a cup of hot chocolate. I am so glad I have the preparations done for the class. The emails are ready to send out and I can go on with another project.
I am going to do some scenes of the Canadian Rockies ; I think I will do up a few in case
Well spring has another major fun raiser. It is the first time I don't have any commitment
for ages, so I love the feeling of being able to have no pressure and just being able to start something new, completely on my own, with no guidelines.
I have been busy sorting out the files and photos in the learningfa group. We have so much wonderful work in the photos and I don't want to delete any of them so I am sorting them into albums. I love our group, we have 350 people now and the classes are so successful. It is unbelievable the number of sign ups for each class - our blogger l0l class which is coming up in the new year has over 70 students signed up and the rest have between 30 - 50 signups. We have some great classes coming up in the New Year.
"I expect to pass through life but once. If therefore, there be any kindness I can show,
or any good thing I can do to any fellow human being, let me do it now, and not defer
or neglect it, as I shall not pass this way again" William Penn
Shirley, your wall hangings are absolutely lovely...It is such a pleasure to come to your blog and see your work...Thank you, Skye
Skye - thankyou for the kind words about the wall hangings.
They are very simple to do - the hardest part is to find something for the center block. I used two panels in these. The class is in January on learningfa so I hope you will sign up. I imagine it is very cold in Montana like it is here north of you!
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