knitting Paradise

I belong to a wonderful knitting and crochet group called

Knitting Paradise.

I hope you will drop by and check us out. Shirley

Monday, January 26, 2009

Blog visits

I have spent the last couple of hours visiting different blogs and enjoyed every minute.
The blogs are varied, interesting and I feel as if I have gotten to know some new people.

Chris's class (Blogger 101) showed a lot of new things to put our blogs. I managed to
put the first portion of posts from my favorite blogs. on my side bar, and I also put a list of the labels I have used for different posts. So much you can do. It certainly takes up
a lot of time, but so much fun! Shirley

Thought for today
" I'd rather be a failure at something I enjoy
than be a success at something I hate" - George Burns

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