hand painted queen size quilt - donated to raise funds for the Crisis shelter where I lived. the proceeds paid for the playground for the children in the new shelter. 2003
knitting Paradise
I belong to a wonderful knitting and crochet group called
Knitting Paradise.
I hope you will drop by and check us out. Shirley
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Flower garden - foreground quilted
Here are pictures of the foreground with all the quilting finished. The picture doesn't show the grass too well in the foreground but I followed the line of the flowers. I will now do the sky.
Notice how much better it looks in comparison to the unquilted picture. (at the top). I will now start quilting the sky and the border.
Now, I posted a comment yesterday and came back to see the answer to my question, but found that my comment didn't make it. So, here goes again, I think youk art quilt is very pretty and was wondering if you use any kind of stabilizer under it before doing all the stitching or do you just layer with batting and back and then do the stitching?
Shirley here- I thought I answered it, maybe we looked in the wrong post.
I use a sheet of pellon behind my scene, then use 404 spray to attach it to the background - If there is an area that requires intense thread painting, I might use another layer of pellon.
I also, if it is an individual subject, like a house or a flower, I would likely do it on timtex or peltex, by cutting a square out, covering it with a color that will blend, and then thread painting it/ I would then cut it out and applique it to the background.
I would then put the borders on and sandwich and quilt the scene. HOpe this helps. Shirley
Now, I posted a comment yesterday and came back to see the answer to my question, but found that my comment didn't make it. So, here goes again, I think youk art quilt is very pretty and was wondering if you use any kind of stabilizer under it before doing all the stitching or do you just layer with batting and back and then do the stitching?
Shirley here- I thought I answered it, maybe we looked in the wrong post.
I use a sheet of pellon behind my scene, then use 404 spray to attach it to the background - If there is an area that requires intense thread painting, I might use another layer of pellon.
I also, if it is an individual subject, like a house or a flower, I would likely do it on timtex or peltex, by
cutting a square out, covering it with a color that will blend, and then thread painting it/ I would then cut it out and applique it to the background.
I would then put the borders on and sandwich and quilt the scene. HOpe this helps. Shirley
Thank you so much Shirley. Your work is beautiful. I have 2 pics saved I've been wanting to try this techniwue on, I hope to give it a try this year.
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